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by loveforundies   ·  4 years ago   ·  

Image source: Instagram

Aronik, which is a men’s swimwear brand, was made by Mauricio Sepulveda and Jed Skeen as they are attached to the seashore and men’s swim briefs. 

In the wake of investigating, venturing to the far corners of the world for material examples, and making models, the two of them in the long run made the logo and marking for Aronik (articulated like Ironic). They began with neighborhood tailors to make test models utilizing themselves and companions to get the correct fit. Before long they hopped on the creation and concluded that they planned to dispatch gradually as they were entering cold Autumn. 

Mauricio organized models and photographers that would speak to Aronik best. From that point forward, it’s been business at max throttle. 

Utah where they use to live, known as the ‘Beehive State’, filled in as a major aspect of the motivation for the organization name, the bumblebee logo, and corporate picture. A lot of their plan mirrors the magnificence and motivation from Utah. 

With their subsequent assortment, they are ready to develop the brand and contact more devotees. Their men’s swimwear is planned in the US and produced in Colombia and is known for its high caliber in materials. 

Individuals have adored the mark honey bee logo seen on different prints and can anticipate more.

This was about the brand. Now we will be focusing on its collections. Aronik designs various styles such as men’s jockstraps, men’s briefs, boxer briefs. Their previous collections include Robes, Square Brief, Tanga (Bikini). To encourage men to stay fit, they have designed outfits such as Pants, men’s tank tops, and commando training pants.

If you wish to shop with Aronik then here is the list given below to help you know the best of all variants for your outfit.







Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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