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by loveforundies   ·  4 years ago   ·  

Image source: Amazon

Latin for COVER, PROTECT and DEFEND, this brand has never settled for less and that is what they are here for. Tego is a premium athletic gear brand known for its engineering in the men’s underwear with the collaboration of performance materials and the latest technology. Tego underwear for men is made for those guys who just want to sweat it all out and become the movers of the industry. This brand for athleisure has never emphasized enough on sweating as everyone knows the concept- You sweat more you lose more, and that is so true, right?

Tego a brand known for its creativity and latest designs have been the chosen one for the everyday athlete inside of you who just want to get outside and break that record. It was all just an idea when a guy that wanted to sweat it all couldn’t find the perfect gear for it and that led to a revolution which took the male underwear industry on a rollercoaster ride.

Moving on to the fitness products they’ve in stores, you would definitely have to reconsider your fitness goals because they are not kidding. Starting with a huge lineup of t-shirts and all the way up to those sexy towels they got you all cleaned up. Tego is not only known for their towels but they are quite known for their male briefs too. This sexy underwear for men is made for high endurance tasks and would not let you down. So, check out the store and go get some of those Sweatbucks because Tego has got you all set for a joyride!





Michael Hanes

Hi, I am Michael Hanes. I like to explore new mens underwear styles and share information about them as much as I can.

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